Operations Center
– New:
Auto hold feature that will automatically put any items in the cart on hold. If one or multiple holds already exist for the customer, the items will added to the must recent hold.
Blanket discount feature that can add any discount in dollars or percentage to all items currently in the cart.
– Fixed:
Some code in the checkout process to could create wrongful information about item value/cost if an item that was added to a hold, was currently already on hold (rare).
All aspects of the (n)th item free promotion are now working correctly. To activate this promotion, navigate to Sales -> Options -> Promotions.
– Upcoming:
New framework that will use FTP for all images instead of direct SQL storage. This is a significant task that will increase the version number to 0.4. As a result, no updates will be pushed out until this new framework has been implemented (unless fatal glitches are found).
After the implementation of the FTP framework, the next update will feature the ability to edit items currently on hold directly, which has been missing for too long.