Item Quantity and Request Integration Sneak Peak

Software Design and Consultation

Item Quantity and Request Integration Sneak Peak

I’m excited to share a couple of sneak peaks of an upcoming updated. Most changes will be for the website aspect of Operations Center. These changes feature the ability to add item quantity for any given piece of inventory. The site will only allow you to add as much of an item as is currently in stock. Other changes gives you the ability to remove items from the list AFTER “Review and Submit” as been clicked.
The biggest feature that will be included in this update is to see website wishlist requests directly from within Operations Center. A log is created upon every new request, ensuring no requests are not processed if emails are missed. This ability will also feature the ability to directly import a request into Operations Center for processing. If the Operations Center is open when a new request is submitted, the user is notified within the software that a new request is available.

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